Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Strange Paths

For the second time this week (first week in forever), I'm struck with this sharp throb of warning that I'm going down the wrong path.

This time, it relates to a painter coming over tomorrow to paint my living room/hallway. Younger guy, with two other guys I haven't met.

He's charging me half the price that other painters quoted me. And he's throwing in a couple of handyman jobs.
I've had dozens of contractors in my house lately. Three men from a flooring company resurfaced some of my rooms. The experience was so pleasant that I created an Angie's List account just to give them a positive review.

Post-Japanese family apocalypse fridge

But when the painter guy came over to work up the quote, I got an odd vibe then.  It happened when I took him into the basement to show him part of the project. He looked around briefly...which, I guess, is normal, and then refocused on what I was saying. I also found him staring in the bathroom mirror while I tried to pull out the TV in the next room. He could've just been admiring my bathroom work. But I got this ... dull current?... right then.
Like that one time I tried to pull an electric plug out by the prongs.

Now that tomorrow is almost here, the "dull current" is more like a blaring car alarm in my head. Blinking lights and all. Something about tomorrow is all wrong.
Plus, I had that dream again...where I'm standing in scuba gear on the ledge of a one story brick building in the middle of the ocean, and I jump onto the whale's back because the crowd is cheering me on, knowing I'll drown if I go under because I can't swim. I drown. Again.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Caught in the Act

So I have 152 new photos in my phone. Random photos. Photos of my front door, photos of a dog in the neighborhood, photos of me sleeping, photos of my curling irons, photos of the refrigerator...

And I couldn't figure out how they got on my phone...Until I found this one.

Little demon.

And I thought I was safe
hiding in the den.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Little Wake Up Call

Power outages offer strange bedmates.  

First person who says this is cute is going to get a kick to
the testiculararical region.  Even if you don't have testiculararies.


Robot Prefers Chai Tea

News at 11. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My 4 a.m.

Sooo, we're still on Japan time...?


Familial Fiascos

My family's over. My brother, his wife, my sister, her newborn, and a nest of little hellion womb-punchers. My head already hurts.

My mom will be here in a few hours.

Perfect timing, since my results for my DNA/genetic breakdown just arrived ( You can't see it here because I spliced everything together, but the "trace regions" breaks down to Chinese.

I almost took a chainsaw to 2% of my body.

She's got some 'splainin' to do.

Let the games begin.




Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I'm over Lorde and her incessant lyrics about her general disdain for pomp & society when she's beautiful AND rich.

Shut up, already. Or stop making catchy songs about the ostentation, little Miss "socially observant".



Sunday, May 4, 2014