Is that the same Mickey Rourke? The villain from Iron Man 2? Or a different actor with the same name?

Why is he chasing the stiff, homely attorney chick wearing all the clothes when he's surrounded by naked Brazilian women?
Whoa... Random dilapidated building sex under suspicious stream of water with no logical source!
This movie is dirty.
What tha... sex in a limo in front of other peeps who are just trying to get home safely. "Excuse me, ma'am. Could you please move your angry sex act to the next seat over?"
This was 1990? I thought the whole decadent "STD? What's an STD?" thing happened in the 70's.
Wow. Okay, this is a bad movie.
Granted, I'm writing this like 20 minutes later.
Cuz I had to watch the movie for a few moments. You know, "confirm my suspicions" that the movie was actually dirty.
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