Thursday, November 27, 2014

Painting with a Twist

This is just one wall of drawings.
"No drinking the Paint Water"
PwaTs are popping up all over the metropolitan area. It's a new way for women to get together, pretend to learn/build something, and drink.
Seriously. Drinking is encouraged. There's even a station in the back of each room with a bucket of ice for the bottles of booze the ladies bring. And the art instructor will wait patiently while the group of ladies set up shop.
They have a Monet painting!
The group leader - usually the birthday girl or other reason for the get totether - decides what we're going to draw based on thousands of images.
Clearly, I should've opted for the wine.
It actually is lots of fun. It's a relaxed way to randomly talk to strangers and poke fun at ourselves.
Did I mention there's booze?  I brought cupcakes and moscato. I think I've had enough drinking for a lifetime, so I opted for water. 

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