Friday, February 27, 2015

Protractor or Scale, I think?

I bought a new notes book with Monet's bridge painting on the cover. It's so beautiful. And it matches my Monet desktops.
My first doodle should have straight lines. Sort of set the mood for the whole book. Does that make me slightly crazy?
I drew's the scientific ruler thing? The triangle with the straight corner angle?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Konoyo furui

Sometimes, my family's values and proclivities disturb my sense of intellect.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Belly full of Jelly

Lowly office laborer offers Robot part of her Paczki...Robot takes entire half instead.  News at 11. 

Happy Fat Tuesday, everybody!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Deep Freeze

Third day of below 0 temps. Hot water pipes are frozen, so I boiled water to clean the kitchen. Can't get the house temp above 65. The house is making weird popping noises. I think it's the foundation settling. This is like a zombie apocolypse where everything starts shutting down. 

Ran to the grocery store for coffee filters at 7am in -11 degrees (that's -21 C). 

Car wouldn't start in the store lot. Tried 3 times. Sounded like the alternator. Pulled out the tow truck card from my wallet, tried the car again while waiting forever for them, engine finally turned over. 

Got into an argument with an Indian Amurrkan guy in the Starbucks drive thru. Way too cold to get out and make him bleed. I'm from the hood, yo. But I'm cold, yo. 

Came home to a stream of water coming through the living room window I think from melting icicles outside...maybe because the sun was out? Moved the furniture away, stuck a bucket and newspaper underneath, walked back to the store, wanted caulk sealant but they only had rustoleum. While waiting for the leak to stop, ate rice, flipped through the channels, settled on some james brown documentary, slept on the couch all day, just woke up at 9:30pm with the my Afro ponytail on full display for any poor soul looking in, had a pee, flipped through more channels, found bill Murray singing to a shark (?), realized I'd missed TWD, screamed, debated on watching Talking Dead because they tell you who died. 

Okay, I had to let all that out somewhere. Maybe Japan is a good thing. Independence isn't always what's it's cracked up to be. I could suffer a head of household and labor pains if it meant never having to walk to a store in -21C again. Your reading all that is your good deed for the day. Or the week. You've just received like 300 karma points. And some of you need it!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

But then this happened...

Got home really late last night. Forgot to lock the security door, passed out on the sofa.
Woke up, saw more damn snow falling, put off shoveling the snow, hung in SL all morning, finally logged off, unwillingly stomped out to shovel the snow on the porch, found this on my inner door, sans snow prints.
Hmm...let the guessing game begin. 
Electrical tape =
A. The nice neighborhood handyman
B. A really crafty soccer mom
C. A mass murderer with electrophobia 

Friday, February 13, 2015

WOOT @ Friday!!

Been writing short stories at work. Really violent ones. This latest one is about a little girl who was raised by a sex trafficking drug cartel and grows up to do heinous things. Rodriguez/Tarantino-esque things.
And then, I had that dream again last night. Where I'm driving in my car on the freeway, and there's a van in front of me, with a little girl who looks like me banging on the back windows, begging me to help her escape.
Also, is it mean to eat lunch at my desk with my door closed these days? I'm too tired for all the chatter at lunch. And while I really love that people from all departments come to sit with me and harass me about one thing or another - which turns my empty table into the popular table - I think I'm people'd out.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


It was amazing to see the "Go Red for Women" event really take flight at my workplace this year.

Last year, I created a big campaign to get everyone involved. At least to wear red. It didn't really catch on until this year.
It was really something special to walk into the lunch room and see a sea of red. Red shirts, red jackets, red ties. I budgeted for 2,000 "red dress" pins and put them in a basket in my office for those employees who wear uniforms. So I got lots of visitors, also.
I performed a random act of kindness today that I feel really good about. I was excited to get home and blog about it, then realized that telling someone about it would defeat the purpose.  It's supposed to be random. If I boast about it, I'm looking for acknowledgement and reward.

Go red, bitches.

I meant for this to include video of the red led/light display at my job,
but ClipStich hates me and added a weather video for my mom instead.

Last year's #gored.

Friday, February 6, 2015


Robot supports "Go Red for Women" campaign. News at 11. 

1 out of 3 women die from heart-related issues. Show your support for this program this Friday by wearing red. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hate Trucks

This stupid truck has been holding up a line of traffic for the 20 mins.
I made a new playlist called "Fight Club". It's perfect for moments like this. Or when children are around.
You're making me late. MOVE!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2.1.15 Dailies

Here's an easy way to help the homeless community near you: Build a hygiene kit.
At your local dollar store, purchase some (or all) of the items listed below. 
The idea of hygiene kits started while passing out lunches at MLK Blvd. and 3rd Ave., where a lot of Detroit's homeless community can be found.  Several men asked me if I had any toilet tissue. You don't realize how important even something as basic as toilet tissue can be to someone without a home.
I went to several dollar stores for my purchases because I was looking for specific types of items. For instance, instead of buying a toothbrush and a toothpaste, I found the toothbrush/toothpaste travel kits.
You can keep the kits in your back seat for days when you find a homeless person at one of the entrance ramps. Helping someone stay clean is a really easy way to help them maintain their dignity.
Quick tip, you can use stickers to separate the men's from the women's kits.
1 roll toilet tissue
1 bar soap
1 minipack Facial tissue/Kleenex
Antibacterial wipes, spray or gel
1 toothbrush
1 toothpaste
1 bottle water (won't fit in gallon bag, but easy to carry)
1 comb
For Men, add...
2 razors
1 can shaving cream
1 men's deodorant
For Women, add...
1 pack maxi pads
1 bottle scented lotion
1 women's deodorant
Stuff I didn't Think About until After
Small mirror
Nail polish
Emergency 1st Aid kit (band aids, alcohol wipes, etc. Sort of a smaller version of this.)

There's too much to watch on TV! I don't know where to turn. And I can't remember all the station numbers. lol
Okay, there's ...
* Puppy Bowl XI
* Zombie Bowl (TWD with Shane!)
* Nonstop
* Law & Order Marathon
I need Liam Neeson to come over and shovel my snow. I'll bet he'd shovel the hell outta my snow. It would be completely obliterated lol.


Wow. Even with all the lights off, the illumination from all the snow falling makes it look like all the lights are on.


Robot scoffs at baby shower invite. News at 11. 


They upgraded the restrooms and added those automatic flushers, and now the stupid toilet keeps splashing my butt with water before I can pull my skirt back down and run out.