It was amazing to see the "Go Red for Women" event really take flight at my workplace this year.

Last year, I created a big campaign to get everyone involved. At least to wear red. It didn't really catch on until this year.
It was really something special to walk into the lunch room and see a sea of red. Red shirts, red jackets, red ties. I budgeted for 2,000 "red dress" pins and put them in a basket in my office for those employees who wear uniforms. So I got lots of visitors, also.
I performed a random act of kindness today that I feel really good about. I was excited to get home and blog about it, then realized that telling someone about it would defeat the purpose. It's supposed to be random. If I boast about it, I'm looking for acknowledgement and reward.
Go red, bitches.
I meant for this to include video of the red led/light display at my job,
but ClipStich hates me and added a weather video for my mom instead.
Last year's #gored.
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