"You are your father's daughter
and he raised you and favored you for a reason.
Because you are strong and independent.
Don't do the expected, do the unexpected."
- A True Friend
Honestly, I haven't decided what my Father would think of my proposed new life & lifestyle change. If I thought he truly supported my wishes in spirit, I would absolutely risk disbandment from my own family to follow what I consider the right path for me instead of the inertia of the path an honorable daughter will follow. I know what "unexpected" is for the family I have. I'll never know what "unexpected" would be for the one family member to whom I'm most loyal.
Made more hygiene kits for the homeless
just in time to find one of my favorite people
in the world, Rog (Roger).
He's moved to a different underpass. |
Is it odd that friends and coworkers are suddenly giving me things? People who are unaware that I'm leaving are giving me really cool stuff. One older coworker boxed up and gave me her earrings just because I'd complimented her on them the day before. A friend's friend - who I always considered kinda mean - gave me a hot pair of shoes because they're too small for her. Another person gave me his Starbuck's reward card because he's dieting. He has gold status. That's like 1 million free white chocolate mochas. I'm receiving these gifts through the kindness of others. It feels like there's a message or lesson or direction in there somewhere for me, but the "screen" is all foggy and will continue to loop around until I figure it out, or it dissipates. Makes no sense, but better explained in an
earlier post.
Whoa. I just remembered - last night I dreamed that my Father warned me that my car's gas tank was almost empty. He was sitting in his
favorite chair in the family room.
Odd and random.
Addicted to terraforming in Second Life. Stop by for a visit.
I've quite lost my mind. |