“A man only needs half a tatami mat to sleep."
- Japanese Proverb
I had the most amazing Sunday.
My girlfriends (Michelle, Leah, Phoebe) and I made at least 30 lunches each which included: a PB&J or turkey sandwich, a bottled water, juice, a cookie/cupcake, and chips/pretzels/nuts.
Together, we made over 150 lunches to distribute.
We met downtown in an area typically populated by the homeless - MLK & 3rd...people gather outside of the
NSO when the shelter is full, and because a church bus will sometimes stop by with things for them. We basically just hauled our heavy suitcases of lunches out of our trunks and over to a clear spot on the grass, and waited.
And I met the most amazing, good people, full of joy and pride and positivity.
It took about 5 minutes for curiosity to get the best of the first person, a middle aged man to whom I had the privilege of serving the first lunch. He motioned to his uncertain friends still sitting under a tree across the street and asked if he could bring lunches for them. And again for a couple of people in wheelchairs far away. He came back several times, and we joked about it. In the end, I thanked him for helping us hand out the lunches. Actually, I thanked everyone who came over.
I sort of feel like it would've been better somehow if they didn't have to thank us. I really felt like they were helping me. They were so positive. Every person I met humbled me.
I laughed and talked with one man, the only white man I met, who sat alone under a tree away from most of the group. He told Leah that her suitcase was coming undone, she mentioned that it was her husband's, and to him I added, "Pffh...then who cares?" At that, he finally walked off still laughing.
A man coming from the opposite direction asked if we were giving out things for hygiene. Something we hadn't even considered. I asked what sorts of things that would include. He said toilet tissue, bars of soap, a wash cloth, hand sanitizer. I asked about shaving cream, but he said he just uses soap to shave. I promised to return with hygiene items. Maybe also a toothbrush & paste and a small comb. Can you think of other things I can include?

Once the volume of people slowed to a halt, we packed up and headed a few blocks over to
COTS (another temporary shelter). People in the rooms got wind of us and came down. We handed out the rest of the lunches and chatted with more people. One very tall man talked to me about something...something about his landlord referring to him as "colored", I think...and he was very
passionate about the discussion, which somehow turned into a very aggressive one-sided debate. I mostly squinted into the sun to try to keep eye contact and nodded. He started grasping my shoulder and shaking me about for emphasis, which put me in fight-or-flight mode. He finally calmed himself down and left. I love that Phoebe came over and stood behind him like a bodyguard. Hilarious!
After we were finished with sandwiches, we headed over to a nearby urban garden (garden owned by the community, used to grow vegetables and herbs, sometimes flowers) to weed and compost(?) the lots.
I screamed and squished some sunflowers and ran when I saw a spider. I hung at my car for the duration of that particular activity.
Then, we went to a local (super popular!) hangout and ordered breakfast and mimosas.
Mimosas. At like 11am. It was part of the agreement. And they were really excited about that part. I pretended to know what a mimosa is, but I only knew that it was a mixed drink.
Turns out, its orange juice and champagne. I didn't want to say that I didn't like it. They were treating their glasses like manna from the Heavens.
So, my day and my spirits and my outlook and my body feel amazing.
Also, I came home and immediately passed out.