Monday, July 28, 2014

Out of Complaints

Here goes my 3rd try lapping around the shoreline. 
It's so early. I wanna go back to bed. I woke up and grabbed my keys and wetsuit and drove straight here...took maybe 5 I'm still in that "foggy sleep" mode you get until you step into the shower.
I wonder if my pillow is still warm.
It's so quiet. Not a soul in sight. Just the traffic behind me. Both eerie and relaxing.

I just cracked my jaw from yawning.

Ok, enough. Let's do this.

My stinky little tribble

Got to play with bff Iram's new fluffy doggie today. He's so cute. 

My request to name him "Seven of Nine" was immediately vetoed by the entire clan. 

These people have no vision.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Well, merde.

BTW, Canadians... "poo-TAWN"?
Just French fries and gravy.
Get over yourselves.
Canadians detect my Midwestern accent at the first syllable. Unlike Amurrkans, they hear a "distinctively eastern Asian twang" (not my words). 
Though, just now, I wonder how much of that is influenced by the visual, and the comparison to members of Toronto's huge Chinese population.
I certainly blend in here. To the "Asian is Asian" many, at least.  Makes me feel comfortable, but insignificant. Also reminds me of my ex's terminal case of Yellow Fever.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I'll never make it.
I'm goin' back to sleep. 


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What would Oto-chan say?

Met a friend at the pool today. We arrive at the same time. But she has 4 kids, so...not sure how long that'll last.  She's really nice, though.

I'm going to start using the lake for the current and resistance. I'm pretty sure she won't tag along. I gotta start taking this seriously. I'm only up to 9 laps (which is 18 lengths, or 1/4 mile) in about 25 mins.  That's not great. And I stop for a moment around the 10th length because my chest tightens, so I have to breaststroke or something to get it to calm down.
I may not make it. But I really, really want to.

Gotta get up and try, and try, and try.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

On Promises

I made a promise to a friend last year. She had just given birth, and was struggling with cancer. I promised to watch after her daughter, and to help fight for a cure.

I've secretly been honoring the former promise, and, really minimally, the latter promise. But not committedly. Now I'm starting to get that nagging sense of responsibility, the way you do when you put off paying a bill. 

Instead of just donating money, I feel the need to get out and do something. To put everything I have into it. To make up for neglecting it before. 

Cut to this week, I'm prepping for the 2014 Against the Tide event, held in Massachusetts (her home town). It's a competitive 1 mile swim, and I have the opportunity to raise money from family and friends.

We'll see how it goes. I may wuss out. I'm not a great swimmer, but I could certainly use the workout regimen. I've been using the pool at the Y on Tuesdays & Thursday mornings. I thought swimming before work would give me energy, but it leaves me sorta tired.

ALVH is on. I now realize it needed a more sweet-ass title for people to take it seriously. To get past the whole, "OMG, what have they done to my favorite American history lesson??" To consider it a formidable opponent in the horror/fantasy movement.  It's so good.  Even now, I'm smiling at the plot's seamless transitions between gothic lore and true stuff.  So clever.

I'm in Toronto next week. I can't say "Toronto" unless I, in my mind, add the "t-o-r-o-n-t-o-TORONTOO!" the way Marc did.

I want a walk on role as a walker on TWD, dammit. I must've submitted my audition to AMC 20 times now.  My girlfriend and I are hooking up for "The Bachelor" auditions.  Long story.  Hey, neither of us are exactly "Bachelor-bait" (i.e., giant blondes with pedigrees)...  But we can laugh about sitting in a room with 300 other women one day.

Lots of other, more heavy things happening right now. Just not ready to be this open with them yet.

I am definitely headed to Japan permanently. My job's not very fun atm. That's the lighter of the heavy stuff. 


Friday, July 18, 2014

Damn you, polar vortex. be clear...

Two days ago, I was wading in a pool in Midtown with the girlies. 

Tonight, I'm closing the windows and turning on the electric blanket.


I blame Obama.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

"No" means "No"

Nice view for a mid work day. 

I'm trying to explain to my lunch date that  I don't want to drink during my workday, but it's like talking to a brick wall. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Sublet Frenzy

Currently in Second Life land frenzy.

I rented two side-by-side plots of land for no reason, really. Except it's a thing to do in SL. But it's kind of relaxing to build up a plot of land and morph it into what you envision. Kinda cheesy, though. But something to do when you're online and waiting for something and you've killed enough zombies for the week and you want something that requires little decision-making or adult-like behavior.
The neighbors in the next plot, an ocean corner, left. So I logged on to find it for sale, and snatched it up while two people were standing there deciding on it. lol

So now, I'm way more addicted. I spend the entire time moving stuff around, adding, raising, shuffling, dropping...
Hey, don't judge me. I hosted a yoga party at my place over the weekend, and currently cannot feel my spine.
Lots of other, more important life stuff happening. I'm sure I'll post an update soon.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

From My Window

C'mon, people. Go to bed already. 


I got punked, yo.

I'm in the hood, yo! Chillimaxin' at Kristyl's crib.

Chili + maxin. Just made that up. I'm awesome.

I had to post a photo of me getting punked, but we never agreed to me explaining it. So nyah.

Her neighbor on the left shoots his gun randomly out of his back room window for no reason. The neighbors on the other side are cooking the best smelling bbq ever. They've been out there for hours! There are like 50 people on the porch. And its a small porch!
God, I miss living in Detroit.

That's it. I'm going over.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Morning Bikeride

You could pretty much swim to canada. 

"Better Angels"


This is my most favorite, best episode of the entire series so far.
The "Shane vs Rick" alpha male showdown finally comes to a head. The "surprise" moment could've gone down a whole different way, but the storyline and the fans love Rick.  Truth be told, Shane would have been a much better leader.  He kept the group safe at all costs. I'll always be in the minority on that one.
From Shane's wiki page, "Shane better recognized the reality of the world after the zombie outbreak and was able to adapt to it in a more severe and arguably better way than other characters like Rick."
I miss Shane.


I Love T-Dog!

Best line ever!

"Walkers in my backyard?....mmm-mmph."


Who needs a BBQ?

4th of July #thewalkingdead marathon is on AMC all weekend.

All seasons.

I'm Krazy Gluing my butt to this sofa for the rest of the weekend.

4th of July

What a beautiful morning. 


Friday, July 4, 2014

Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

So I'm in the market for a brown accent chair, and I'm sifting through's buyer reviews, and it's becoming intolerable. 

Every other review is from some housewife who can't type 20 characters without mentioning her stupid husband or kid. I think it was the last one that finally sent me into rant mode, and I started yelling at my screen.

Reason #349 why I'm never getting married. It turns you into a walking soap opera. 

Listen, ladies. This ain't Oprah.  And I'm not your girlfriend.  I'm not reading your review to find out just how wonderful and sparkly your faux marriage the way, where's your amazing husband while you're writing all this ridiculousness?...just tell me about the chair.

Grow some balls, ladies. Go outside and breathe some fresh air or something. Crikey.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Remodel Continues

Had the dining room floor laminated yesterday. The floor is uneven and resurfacing with hardwood would have been way too costly. 
I just finished painting the walls and trim.
So the bathroom and living room are done, and I'm on the dining room now. I'll move on to the kitchen when this room's done. Thinking of tiling three of the four walls, and doing the remaining wall in a bright red.  So far, all the rooms are different colors, but all the furniture and fixtures are dark brown. For instance, the couches are dark brown, but the accents (candles, photo frames, floor vase, pillows) are a muted green. The bathroom's wall cabinet and sink are dark brown wood, but the walls and décor are a light blue.
This is sort of exciting, now that it's coming together. Not a really interesting post to read for a reader, I suppose. More like a mile marker for future reflection for me.
I may be ready to pass out, but if you want something done right...