Monday, February 16, 2015

Deep Freeze

Third day of below 0 temps. Hot water pipes are frozen, so I boiled water to clean the kitchen. Can't get the house temp above 65. The house is making weird popping noises. I think it's the foundation settling. This is like a zombie apocolypse where everything starts shutting down. 

Ran to the grocery store for coffee filters at 7am in -11 degrees (that's -21 C). 

Car wouldn't start in the store lot. Tried 3 times. Sounded like the alternator. Pulled out the tow truck card from my wallet, tried the car again while waiting forever for them, engine finally turned over. 

Got into an argument with an Indian Amurrkan guy in the Starbucks drive thru. Way too cold to get out and make him bleed. I'm from the hood, yo. But I'm cold, yo. 

Came home to a stream of water coming through the living room window I think from melting icicles outside...maybe because the sun was out? Moved the furniture away, stuck a bucket and newspaper underneath, walked back to the store, wanted caulk sealant but they only had rustoleum. While waiting for the leak to stop, ate rice, flipped through the channels, settled on some james brown documentary, slept on the couch all day, just woke up at 9:30pm with the my Afro ponytail on full display for any poor soul looking in, had a pee, flipped through more channels, found bill Murray singing to a shark (?), realized I'd missed TWD, screamed, debated on watching Talking Dead because they tell you who died. 

Okay, I had to let all that out somewhere. Maybe Japan is a good thing. Independence isn't always what's it's cracked up to be. I could suffer a head of household and labor pains if it meant never having to walk to a store in -21C again. Your reading all that is your good deed for the day. Or the week. You've just received like 300 karma points. And some of you need it!

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