Check out this amazing video. A man in Perth, Australia gets his leg caught in the open space between a train and the walkway. The crowd of strangers come together to quickly save the man. They rock the train car until the man is finally freed. It took the teamwork of this group of random strangers to free the man no one knew.
The most notable thing in this video for me is that the people did it without second guessing themselves. No one thought, "Screw this. I'm late for work." I want to be the person right in the middle of the crowd. You can barely see him in the sea of people helping. But without him, it may not have worked.
downtown Detroit. This place is awesome - a pub with a bowling
alley with shuffleboard with karaoke with more swanky dinner
service if you choose.
My goal is to perform an anonymous act of kindness. Every day, for the rest of this year.
Let's all try to do something kind to someone we don't know every day. It could be anything. Maybe pay for someone else's gas when you're at the gas station. Or buy someone else's drink. Or something seemingly smaller. Like smiling warmly at a stranger.
You never know how burdensome someone's day might be. And offering a kind smile might impact them more than you know.
It's the most humble gift you can offer.
So write me. And let me know what you did today to help someone you've never met.
Ugh..hate calling in. Esp. when your boss doesn't answer his phone. |
Although searching through my old posts made me laugh..a LOT. I don't even remember this. But it's hilarious.
Okay, I don't remember the point of my post. Sigh.
I'm getting old.
I don't know if it's my phone or the app, but ClipStitch has been really janky for me lately. So anyone who caught my singing in the mirror video before I could remove it, my most humble apologies for making you suffer through that. The app is adding the correct videos to the file, but ultimately saving other videos stored on my phone.
Thanks, Aussie-and-proud David for catching my erroneous caption about the train car video above. It happened in Australia, not Scotland. (They don't "seem" Australian, though...Australians have a kind of way about them...don't you agree?)
To answer another question, I don't fear that my mother will read my very personal blog posts anymore. She doesn't read my blog. The only reason she did in the first place is because she accidentally set my blog page as her home page. My mom barely even checks her Facebook messages. Smh.
I rescheduled my California trip to March. This will be the last opportunity I get to visit an old friend from the hood. Our lives ended up taking different paths, but she's still my oldest and best friend. She can't visit me once I'm in Japan because she's not allowed to leave the country. No, seriously.
I rescheduled to March because she's forcing me to go hiking.
In mountains.
There are spiders in mountains.
Oooh... "The Loft" looks pretty sexy.
Open > Fandango App > find theater > buy ticket > pick seat > and DONE.
I got an evening gown hanging behind me. I'm supposed to be st this year's NAIAS black tie charity ball in 1 hour. But I'm stuck at my desk staring at cms codes.
le sigh.
My shoe vid from last year's NAIAS.
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