Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Double Standard is Alive & Well, cheers.

Third comment already. Wait...this just in. Make that the forth. 

Why is it that whenever I post a photo with a man, he must be my boyfriend? Why can't he just be someone I know?  What does it say about me that I can't stand next to a man? Am I a slut who can't control myself around the opposite sex? Do you think that I'm so sheltered that I fall for the first guy that pops up? What's wrong with you people? Or what's wrong with me for thinking that you'll assume that maybe I don't hiss at men when it's time for photo ops. And what does it say about you?

I figured that anyone who bothered to read the post would see the event decor and people behind us, connect the dots, and realize that it might be one of the ROSE Awards finalists. But that's the conundrum, isn't it? You have to actually read the post.

This is why I never post photos of me with men. And why I will never ever post a date photo. Or maybe any photo of me ever. Or maybe anything super important in my life. 

Interesting. I post photos of me with women all the time. Why don't you assume we're lesbian lovers?

You see where I'm going with this?



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